WOMEN WRITE FUNNY Celebrating Women Keeping Humor Alive in Dire Times

HAPPINESS COACH & CONSULTANT: BROOKLYN DICENT brings laughter and conscious-raising comedy to corporate America. Part I with WOMEN WRITE FUNNY Host & Writer Didi Balle.

Episode Summary

Brooklyn Dicent is the world’s only CHO “Chief Happiness Officer” and founder of The Happiness Consulting Company whose bottom line is to bring joy, laughter and conscious-raising comedy to corporate America. How much better would it be with thousands of CHOs instead of CEOs? What if companies like Apple, GM and Amazon had a CHO whose mission would not be to rocket off in a giant metal penis to their personal fame and glory but instead would be focused on uplifting employees by facilitating collaboration and creativity with bad-ass inspirational, interactive comedy? ENTER: BROOKLYN DICENT! Fascinating listen to a grounded out-of-the-box comedian whose mind is a combo of a petri dish and an incendiary device. She explodes with on target takes about the why/how/what-ifs of seemingly effortless comedy performance which always includes riffing and reading the room. PART 1 OF 2 INTERVIEWS

Episode Notes


Brooklyn Dicent never stops honing her comedic gifts as a performer, improviser, stand-up, former DJ, intuitive healer/humorist. She’s an admitted COMEDY AGENT OF CHANGE. In PART I you’ll learn how she’s transformed her career to uplift others through the power of laughter and joy. PLUS

What’s The Power of Saying YES have to do with comedy? What is Crowd Work and why is it Brooklyn’s Secret Sauce? Tune in to my interview with Happiness Coach and Consultant, Brooklyn Dicent who believes “It is possible to be happy at work.”

Credits: Writer-Creator-Host: DIDI BALLE  Women Write Funny:



Brooklyn Dicent:


Creative Contributors: Didi Balle (Creator/Host). Brooklyn Dicent. Leslie "Doc" Steinweiss (Theme Music) http://www.lesliesteinweiss.com.  Hernan Braberman (Cover Art).  Larry Heidelowski (Promo King and Island Concert Master)